
CertificateSigningRequest objects provide a mechanism to obtain x509 certificates by submitting a certificate signing request, and having it asynchronously approved and issued.
CertificateSigningRequestCondition describes a condition of a CertificateSigningRequest object
CertificateSigningRequestSpec contains the certificate request.
CertificateSigningRequestStatus contains conditions used to indicate approved/denied/failed status of the request, and the issued certificate.


Use <ReadCertificateSigningRequestApprovalResponse as Response>::try_from_parts to parse the HTTP response body of CertificateSigningRequest::read_approval
Use <ReadCertificateSigningRequestResponse as Response>::try_from_parts to parse the HTTP response body of CertificateSigningRequest::read
Use <ReadCertificateSigningRequestStatusResponse as Response>::try_from_parts to parse the HTTP response body of CertificateSigningRequest::read_status