Module k8s_openapi::api::autoscaling::v1

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CrossVersionObjectReference contains enough information to let you identify the referred resource.
configuration of a horizontal pod autoscaler.
specification of a horizontal pod autoscaler.
current status of a horizontal pod autoscaler
Scale represents a scaling request for a resource.
ScaleSpec describes the attributes of a scale subresource.
ScaleStatus represents the current status of a scale subresource.


Use <ReadDeploymentScaleResponse as Response>::try_from_parts to parse the HTTP response body of Scale::read_deployment
Use <ReadHorizontalPodAutoscalerResponse as Response>::try_from_parts to parse the HTTP response body of HorizontalPodAutoscaler::read
Use <ReadHorizontalPodAutoscalerStatusResponse as Response>::try_from_parts to parse the HTTP response body of HorizontalPodAutoscaler::read_status
Use <ReadReplicaSetScaleResponse as Response>::try_from_parts to parse the HTTP response body of Scale::read_replica_set
Use <ReadReplicationControllerScaleResponse as Response>::try_from_parts to parse the HTTP response body of Scale::read_replication_controller
Use <ReadStatefulSetScaleResponse as Response>::try_from_parts to parse the HTTP response body of Scale::read_stateful_set