Module k8s_openapi::api::networking::v1

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  • HTTPIngressPath associates a path with a backend. Incoming urls matching the path are forwarded to the backend.
  • HTTPIngressRuleValue is a list of http selectors pointing to backends. In the example: http://<host>/<path>?<searchpart> -> backend where where parts of the url correspond to RFC 3986, this resource will be used to match against everything after the last ‘/’ and before the first ‘?’ or ‘#’.
  • IPBlock describes a particular CIDR (Ex. “”,“2001:db8::/64”) that is allowed to the pods matched by a NetworkPolicySpec’s podSelector. The except entry describes CIDRs that should not be included within this rule.
  • Ingress is a collection of rules that allow inbound connections to reach the endpoints defined by a backend. An Ingress can be configured to give services externally-reachable urls, load balance traffic, terminate SSL, offer name based virtual hosting etc.
  • IngressBackend describes all endpoints for a given service and port.
  • IngressClass represents the class of the Ingress, referenced by the Ingress Spec. The annotation can be used to indicate that an IngressClass should be considered default. When a single IngressClass resource has this annotation set to true, new Ingress resources without a class specified will be assigned this default class.
  • IngressClassParametersReference identifies an API object. This can be used to specify a cluster or namespace-scoped resource.
  • IngressClassSpec provides information about the class of an Ingress.
  • IngressLoadBalancerIngress represents the status of a load-balancer ingress point.
  • IngressLoadBalancerStatus represents the status of a load-balancer.
  • IngressPortStatus represents the error condition of a service port
  • IngressRule represents the rules mapping the paths under a specified host to the related backend services. Incoming requests are first evaluated for a host match, then routed to the backend associated with the matching IngressRuleValue.
  • IngressServiceBackend references a Kubernetes Service as a Backend.
  • IngressSpec describes the Ingress the user wishes to exist.
  • IngressStatus describe the current state of the Ingress.
  • IngressTLS describes the transport layer security associated with an Ingress.
  • NetworkPolicy describes what network traffic is allowed for a set of Pods
  • NetworkPolicyEgressRule describes a particular set of traffic that is allowed out of pods matched by a NetworkPolicySpec’s podSelector. The traffic must match both ports and to. This type is beta-level in 1.8
  • NetworkPolicyIngressRule describes a particular set of traffic that is allowed to the pods matched by a NetworkPolicySpec’s podSelector. The traffic must match both ports and from.
  • NetworkPolicyPeer describes a peer to allow traffic to/from. Only certain combinations of fields are allowed
  • NetworkPolicyPort describes a port to allow traffic on
  • NetworkPolicySpec provides the specification of a NetworkPolicy
  • NetworkPolicyStatus describe the current state of the NetworkPolicy.
  • ServiceBackendPort is the service port being referenced.
